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question for those that do crockpot soap


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My hubby made me a wooden mold so I made a batch this morning using the same recipe as before (the one that bunny posted. The only difference is I used about a tb. of castor oil. Well the first time the soap set up fairly quick with in a cpl of hours. It has been 6hrs now and it still seems for lack of a better word...kinda jelly like. Do I need to just let it cure some more....put it in the oven for a while....or just trash it?



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Hi Cindy,

Yes is is kinda clear looking and still warm. I put the lid on and put it in the oven. I guess I will wait until in the morning and see what it looks like then. I guess last batch was smaller and it didnt take this long...plus I am not the most patient person.

Thanks for your response and your help:smiley2:


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Well guys I checked it this morning and guess what.....it did set up:yay: It was hard enough to get out of the mold and cut. So I cut it up and am letting it set out to dry some. When I made the batch I had some over-flow in the crockpot so it wasnt as deep as I wanted but it looks good and I will post some pics later.

Thanks for everyones help. I guess the bigger the batch and using the wooden mold, I just have to learn to be more patient.

Thanks Again


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Yay!!! :yay: Way to go. :highfive:

I made a batch today and when I was cooking it, it did a weird thing at the beginning so I hope mine comes out. I made soap balls and so far those seem to work like soap so hopefully the rest turns out. I used buttermilk powder in this one. mmmm

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