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Do any of you know where I can get 7 or 8" CD's? I'd like them precut and tabbed, but if I have to go the spooled route I will! I used to get the spooled from Candles & Supplies, but they don't have enough wax on them to suit me. TIA:)


You might want to consider trying Candles & Supplies again. The last spool of wick I bought from them had twice the amount of wax that the spool prior to that had. I don't know if this is something they've done universally or just with the zinc core wicks (which is what I've got). It might be worth calling and asking.


Candlewic is awesome! I don't know why I never checked into this one sooner. I am AMAZED at the wick choices. Some of the wicks only come in the special order section so you have to get 500. I was going to call them and ask them if they will give a few samples, but since they are closed at 1:00am, lol, I thought I'd ask you guys. Do they give samples or sell sample packs? I would like to try a few before I buy 500. They are actually cheaper in the special order!


Many Many years ago I got wax samples. But not sure if they have a sample pack now. Call the wick companies and ask them for samples. Got lots that way... What do you need, may have some in my stash.


Oh, I just wanted to try the different wax coatings Candlewic has on their CD's. You can choose beeswax, standard, high melt point...since I finally found a place that stocks 8" long wicks, now I have to decide if I want a different wax on them! Of course I can't be satisfied with just the standard if I know I could have another choice, right?! MORE TESTING! Would you happen to have a couple of CD 14,16,18,20 with the standard, beeswax, and high m/p? LOL

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