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I love Craftserver!!

Where is the best place to go to find listings of craftfairs, etc? I've looked at several websites, but don't want to join unless it's of any quality.

Also, when selling pillar candles, is there anyother labeling that should go on it besides the warning label and scent?

And one last question. Is it worth investing in having a professional do the graphics for your company?

Thanks so much, you guys are the best.


Where are you from?

Asking, because there used to be a publication that serviced a lot of states ... Craft Lister maybe it was. Anyway, the publication no longer comes out from those people, but I could check into another we get. Typically, though, I find going to a show and scouting it out is probably best before doing it. Can't say we always adhere to that, but it's how we got started. Pay attention to the crowd and the vendors and what they're selling etc. You may find you have a niche or that it's an all-jewelry show so to speak.

Labels for candles -- might be good to have your info on there as well as your business name and how they can find you/reach you etc. along with a price. If you're using any metal wicks, you'll need another sticker that says the wicks you use meet xxx requirements. By metal, that includes zincs after one of the latest bills that passed.

Personally, till you know what you want, try creating your own label first. Until your established, know what your stock will contain as far as how many scents etc., I'd either stick to doing your own label or finding someone to just design one for you instead of doing the professional printing. Most printers do a pretty decent job nowadays.


Scented, good idea....Craft Lister, yes I believe was the pub. I use to get...then they were gone.

Also, sign up with Chambers of Commerce and get your company listed on their website (yes, it is a yearly fee to be a member),,,,I get alot of inquiries that way too.

I sell in alot of the local shops in the towns around where I operate out of...I get alot of requests for fundraisers from local schools...PTA/PTO's, cheerleader groups, athletic groups, etc....

Get your candles into your local shops...that's really good!

Make sure your label adequately advertises you.....website, city, state...and make sure your website has a page that addresses wholesale and that you do fundraisers....

Also, check out www.craftsitemedic.com (I think that's it), they, for a fee, will list you in link submissions, etc....it's really worked for me....google is your friend, find free listings in craft type malls.....I've gotten alot of wholesale accts that way.....

Just some tidbits...


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