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Question about Tart Quality


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I've tried to search the forum for older threads similar to my question, but for some reason the site is unable to display the results page for me right now.

My question is... I've seen a few sellers (on other sites) claiming that the scent in their tarts will last for days. One said you could burn one of her tarts daily for a week and would end up throwing it out before the scent would disappear. Is this possible??? Do they mean the scent will fill a room for days, or will it only smell faintly after a while and you would have to be right up next to the burner to smell anything at all? I've been making tarts for a while now, and mine will last for quite some time, but for days? ...No. I think even ****ee Candle claims that their tarts will last about 8 hrs.

For anybody else here who makes tarts/melts, how long about do yours last? How long should a good quality tart/melt last?

Thanks in advance for any reply,


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I play around a little with tarts and I am not selling at this point but a few of the people that have tested mine in tealight warmers say that 5 tealights will burn out and they still can smell the scent.

They are VERY pleased with this and they rave about how they can really SMELL them compared to store bought versions.....I just make mine from 464 for now but it seems to be doing the job well...LOL


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Thanks for the replies...

I've been making my own tarts/melts as a hobby for a while now, and gave some to my Mom for her birthday. She took some into work and was burning them at her desk... alot of people were interested in them and wanted me to send some in to purchase. I sent in 30 cello bagged pixie melts (6 scents) and they sold out in about an hour. They are requesting more, but I want to make sure they are high enough quality, so I was trying to research how long a good quality tart/melt should last for.

I use EcoSoya pillar blend, and have used fragrance from candlescience, wsp, and thecandlesource... I use 1 ounce per pound... but I'm confused about what temp is best to add the fragrance... I have seen conflicting instructions. Some say to add the fragrance at about 175 degrees because it will help it bind to the the wax better, but some say (including ecosoya's website) to allow the wax to cool to about 155 degrees, add the scent, and then pour... which is what I have been doing. Should I add the fragrance closer to 175? Will it bind better and maybe last a little longer that way? I have had great scent throw (I live in a bungalow and can smell my tarts all over the first floor) but I think they only last through around 3-4 tealights.

Thanks again,


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I claim mine last 14 hrs but some last much longer. Depends on the scent, perfume scents seem to last the longest. I would keep doing what you are doing cause your customers like your product. Better fill their orders before they look elsewhere. And they will want everyone else to know about them too. Believe me they sell by word of mouth faster than anything I ever seen.

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Wow, my tarts don't last several days. Using a 24watt burner with a 1oz tart mine typically scent strongly for around 10 hrs. Sometimes a little longer but then they start fading. I use Ky's parasoy tart blend and scent at about 1oz/lb. Most of the fragrances come from companies that specialize in soap fos not candle fos. Maybe's that's the difference.

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A 24 watt warmer or tealight warmers burn the scent off too quickly. Try them in a lower watt warmer and you will see a difference. They won't smell as strong, but will last longer. See if they are strong enough in a lower watt warmer.

ETA: First of all, no one should claim that their tarts will last for however many days they claim. I always tell my customers approximately how many hours they will last. You don't know if the customer is going to burn them continuously or just a few hours a day. Plus, every scent is different. Some simply just last longer than others. You can buy the same scent, i.e. an apple FO from 5 different companies and none of them will always last the same length of time, even with the same % per lb. in the same wax. Different quality/composition from different companies.

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