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Coffee Cup warmers (how much to sell for )

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I just ordered 10 of these from the co-op and can't wait to get them for my show in April. I currently have some from Jackel and I originally sold them for $14, but marked them down to $10 so I could get rid of them! I also gave away 2 free packs of melts with them (my two packs are around 1 oz each). My cost for the Coffee Cup warmers is $2.52, so marking them up 3 times is around $7.50. i would only give away 1 pack of free melts with these because I can't afford to give too much more away right now with prices the way they are.

Just wondering what everyone else gets for theirs!



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Right now, I sell mine for $5.00 each. When they get here, I open each box, add a tealight if it does not have one, add one melt, close the box, seal the lid, and label. I thought about going up do about 7.50 but I sell more at $5.00 than I would at 7.50 so it pretty much evens out in the long run. At $5.00 each with a melt included, they become a great option for Christmas presents for co workers, employees, teachers. I know that I sold out at one of my wholesale account store because a lady came in and bought all of her emplyees one. My grandmother bought the last few that I had last night to give as gifts to her Sunday school class on their birthdays.... They are great sellers.

Here is a quick question though, I am assuming that you are including your cost of the melts in your cost right? The warmers didn't cost me but .93 each...

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Just a thought, but why not just round up to 6.95? According to marketing theory, a customer will not perceive much difference between 6.50 and 6.95...it will still register as less than $7.00 in their mind...that bit of difference will defray the cost of your melts.


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I bought these from the first two co-ops and this is how I packaged them (look at thread link below) and sold them for $8.50. I included a coffee bean wax melt clamshells with it. Huge hit during Christmas for that little gift everyone was looking to find!



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