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Greasy body butter


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I make a body butter, and it is too greasy!!! Any suggestions? Here are my recipe percentages

47.35% Vegetable oil

44.6% Aloe Juice

4.16% Bees Wax

3.89% Essential Oils

Any ideas on good Vegetable oils to use. I have a bit of experience with grapeseed oil and it is ok but again to oily. I also use Liquid lanolin... I am a beginner and any help will... well... help:shocked2: I really want to keep my product as natural as possible but it can't be so greasy! Grr!

Thanks! :cheesy2:

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that's a lot of oil! i would not go past 35% and the lanolin wouldn't need to be used past 2% or so...a little of that goes a long way...also what's keeping your emulsion together? beeswax won't do it, you need an emulsifier...and that is a really high % of essential oils...wouldn't go above 1-2% on those...and it will grow mold/bacteria unless you keep it in the frdge.

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Hi and welcome to the board. I agree you have way too much oil. Are you trying to make an emulisified body butter...like cream? With that Aloe Juice in there you will definately need a preservative and an emulsifier other than beeswax. If you're going for a regular body butter the Aloe Juice won't work in the recipe. You will just need butters and a little oil.

Check out the B&B recipe section. There are many wonderful recipes there with percentages to help you out. Also at the top of that section is good information on preservatives. I know you want to keep it natural, but if you are using a liquid like water, aloe juice etc. I'm afraid preserving is a must. Good luck!

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Just noticed this thread and I am going to have to agree with the others ..... way to much oils. You would have to cut way back on the oils and also use some IPM, dry flo or cornstarch like Kimberly recommended.

I would also be very careful with the Aloe juice because of mold.

btw: welcome to the board! ;)

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