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Mal-E's Shopping Cart


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I am really trying to stay away from Agora and osCommerce. I need something a little more detailed than PayPal, so I am trying to use Mal-E's shopping cart. However, its giving me a heck of a time with these vouchers. Has anyone coded one properly that has worked?

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Have you read this? http://mals-e.com/help.php?pg=22

Make sure you're using the right characters in the voucher mask. For example, the simplest is CMMYYNNNN.

Where the C is the index into the table of what the voucher is. Usually a 1.

Them MMYY stands for the month

And NNNN is a number..

For example, your voucher in Mals is CMMYYNNNN

On a voucher, when you issue one, use a number like 112050001 to issue a voucher that's good thru the end of the year. And define in the first table what the voucher is good for - a flat amount, a percent, free shipping, whatever...

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I remember not being able to get the free shipping option to work. In the end I got around it by selecting the flat amount and then entering the shipping price for the discount amount. The other options worked fine for me. I also remember it took me a while to figure out what this voucher mask was all about, as it seemed more complicated than it needed to be.

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I am so glad to see that its not just me. I have read the instructions a zillion times and tried a gazillion different masks and they don't seem to work, and the one time I thought it "worked", it wasn't working properly.

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I can give a little help here okay make up a number.


98m7n5y9n1m5n8c24n8y25 That would be your base code now if you want to have a voucher that expires 09/30/05. What you want for your month and year would be 10/05 that would make it expire on the last day of September.

Now the issue number is the numbers you put in and even if you have issues 100's you need to do it like this 0150

So your voucher would look like this with index of 3 I have 3 type of vouchers on mine


Now you have to keep all the same number exept the MM/YY/C/NNNN those change as you issue vouchers

The only thing bad about this type of voucher is that you can not give everyone a differant issue number they would be nightmare to keep track of but at the same time these would be great for online parties as you could issue each host a differant number and then when that number was applied to a party you would know just by the number which host that order belonged to.

I realy hope I have not confused you more.

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Thank you Vicky!

That makes sense-- I guess I was setting it up correctly, but the part where I am confused is what do you enter in the box for the voucher in order to receive the discount? A number within the min/max range?

I've been doing that to no avail.....

Came back to say-- I entered in the alias for the voucher, but it only comes up if I remove an item from the cart, not when I recalcuate.

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