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Had a decent show Sat. I continue to be amazed by the differences in sales from show to show. I'm in a small rural area. Last week end the mini casseroles and wax melts were the big seller. This week end it was the ornie air fresheners and my dolphin everlasting pillars. Even sold the last of my shell 'canes. I've attached a picture of my pillars.

Next Sat. is my last show. Doing it with Christina. Will be fun to be with some for a change. It is a new show for both of us so don't know what to expect.


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WOW! Your pillars are absolutely beautiful!

I did a new, for me, two day show this weekend. The show is well established and brings in a very good crowd. I made some good sales and theres are mostly new customers for me. Some of them knew me from other shows but most didn't. Sales were pretty good but not great because I'm new in the show and I wasn't a regular. Still, I wasn't crammed into the tight hallways but placed in one of the gyms! (They have two of them!) I was able to operate they way I normally do with no complaints!:D ! I did 5X's my booth fee so I was happy. And I prepaid for next year as well because they explained that if I didn't, I would get bumped by anyone who wanted it, who'd done the show longer than me.

All in all I was happy. I just couldn't leave my booth much to search for the bathrooms! This school is HUGE! They have over 200 crafters!

Have a small one day show next weekend and then I am done! But I always do pretty well there so I will be happy.


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Good luck Sharyl! You and Christina doing a new show together sounds like fun. Your dolphin pillars are adorable!

I have double shows this coming weekend and I haven't started the gift baskets yet! Fortunately all my candles and soap are ready. So I have to bottle my bath salts for the gift baskets and do them and I will finally be finished.

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