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Greetings...(and help!)

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Hello candle makers!

I've been peeping in on this forum for months now and I finally gave in and bought one of those starter kits from Peak.

I must say that making candles is much tougher than you guys make it look!

So far I've made four candles (maybe I'll post some pics later). I've made some dandy errors with each of them :embarasse but still I had fun.

I've got a couple of questions for anyone who could be so kind as to point me in the right direction.

  • 1. What does mottle mean?

  • 2. The candles I made are all very shiny. What do I need to do to make the texture look more...(what's the term I'm lookin' for)...uh...more like unpolished granite. Not smooth or translucient. No spell check...grrr

santa wink

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Welcome to the boards.

Mottle is when the candle appears to have snowflakes on the outside.

your candles are all shiny? what wax are you using? Did you put any additives in the wax?

I know the candles i made with my starter kit were shiny so when i got a different type of wax it threw me off when it started mottling.

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Welcome!!! I love mottled candles and have been making them for almost 8 years!!! I only do container tho'! I use STRAIGHT paraffin(mp125) just add color and fragrance oil(fo).You will not see the mottle until almost completely dry...next day.

When I first started I was sooo excited to make my mottled candles..poured them,checked on them 2-3 hours later and ughh...they were translucent and smooth,no mottle! So, I was discouraged....then i went to the shop the next day and they all were mottled perfectly!!! You will have to do a repour..paraffin always have a huge sinkhole...so make sure you save some of the wax from your pour...I use muffin tins to pour the extra, then melt them double boiler method tot op off!

Hope this helps a little!!! Good luck and Happy candeling!


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