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what does this mean

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If you are getting it melted down one side, I would think your wick is off center, or curling to the side too much.

That's my own thought, but you'll probably get a much better answer from someone more experienced.

You wouldn't happen to have a picture of it during the burn would you?

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I wish that was the case, but I use wick pins and it is very straight. It seems to be only this scent so far (blueberry cheescake) the other scents seem to be burning ok from candle source, (however not really good hot throw, but only cured for 24 hours)..so I don't know.

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Miss Mary is right. CD wicks are self-trimming and they burn slightly off-center. A gentle push at the base of the wick toward the side that is hanging up will correct the situation. Keeping your wick centered as it burns is important. If the meltpool is off center, the wick position needs adjustment.

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