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Order form and payment?


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I have my first craft fair this Saturday and want to take some order forms with me, but I'm unsure what I should have on them?

Mainly its the fragrance part, do you attach a fragrance list to the back and they write down the scent they want alongside a preprinted candle description?

Anyone got an example anywhere?

Also, when they order at the craft fair, do you insist on payment in full upon order?


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If they're ordering right at the show, they know what scent they want. You should have a list with all your scents and descriptions handy, but it's not necessary on your form. Main thing would be contact information. I've used my receipt forms and written ORDER on it so I'd know which ones I had orders for. I've also done 1/4 sheets of paper with blanks for address, phone number, and what's ordered in a table with qty, size, and scent. And yes, payment due at time of order; it's easier for everyone that way.

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