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Soap Fairy


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So I have yet to have the soap fairies stop by, well that is until now... they made a unwelcomed visit and now my last two batches of soap have turned out horrid!!! Please someone make them go away LOL

Actually I decided to make some Pink Sugar and use the vanilla stabalizer, I guess I should of read some peoples outcome with that because my soap is a gross yellowish orange color and then I thought ok I'm going to make some BRV and use the stabalizer (not knowing that peeps have make this without major Discoloration) and that too came out a icky yellow. Ok next batch I am not using any stabalizer and see what happens!!!


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They're multiplying then. I had them end of last week. Had a Mint Chocolate soap that DIDN'T discolor. So it's green and YELLOW. Nasty combo. Smells Delish, so I guess I've got a lot of yummy soap for personal use. And my mom always willingly takes my Fairy Soap as well. Had another batch go south as well. So instead of pouring several more batches that day, I just put away all my soap supplies, and took the weekend off.

I prepped for 5 batches Saturday morning, but ran out of time (baby shower to go to before I got them poured). I went to go pull the lye off the top shelf this morning, and only have 2 of the 5 jars.

I'm still waiting on my hubby to call me from work (I've left a message) so I can chew him out. These were small specialty batches, so I just used quart sized mason jars to measure out my lye. He also likes to use these for drinking glasses. I am SOOO behind on dishes, don't look at my dining room table! My kitchen is in lab mode. So if they're not in the dishwasher, they're piled in a different room! LOL! :embarasse My laundry is in the same state.... I'll clean my house in January!

Anyway, apparently he decided it was easier to dump several of these, and clean those, instead of walk 8 feet into the other room and grab one of those to clean off the table. He KNOWS this is lye. He knows it's dangerous. I usually keep my jars separate from his drinking ones (not that he realizes this), because when I clean them after using them, they go into my storage room.

But what really pissed me off, when he dumped the lye down the drain, he poured it over a sink full of dishes, including one of my favorite cooking pots. Non-stick ALUMINUM pan. :mad: It's totally ruined. So he not only cost me the lye, the time, he also cost me a pot that we use constantly. Usually he's insanely understanding, and helpful, so this one has totally thrown me for a loop. What he did cost us quite a bit of money (probably $40 to replace everything), and was incredibly dangerous for me to clean up after. I had that nasty white coating from the lye on EVERYTHING in that sink.

So at the moment, I'd rather have soap fairies than my stupid husband. (well, he's not stupid, but he certainly acted stupid) But unfortunately have both. Can I send all of them to you Grumpy????

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Well I've got the fairy's that live in Australia.

Make a 10 pound batch with a scent that has never seized, and lost the lot. Soap in a pot.

Yesterday make a 7 pound batch with another scent that has never given me problems, and soap in a pot again.

Someone take them, as this is getting to expensive.



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Are soap fairies anything like candle fairies? Because I had a visit from them with my last batching and am desperately hoping that they are gone (as I wait for my current pour to cool so I can layer/swirl the next one).

Lindsay -- your house, my house. Must have been been linked at construction because I'm digging out from laundry, dishes and two weekends on newspaper strewn on my floor. :-( January seems optimistic to me. Did I mention that my basement is basically a completely unorganized storage mess? :embarasse

I like soaps that don't turn out quite like expected. Grumpy -- I think you have a great idea with the Hit and Run soaps thing. If I didn't already have soap for the year and then some) I'd probably get some - the description made my chuckle and struck a tender part in my heart I didn't know I had (cough).

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Sharon, my husband doesn't clean. Much. If he did, my house wouldn't be as terrifying as it is right now. I've been stuck in the lab for what seems like months (with occasional freedom breaks to come visit ya'll here :yay:). I SHOULD be using this current break to go move the laundry, or unload the dishwasher so I can run another load tonight. But I'm resting my feet, my back, and my brain, before starting on the next set of lotions. Sigh... I love it, I do. But I am looking forward to this weekend. I'm going to take a few well deserved work days off. Granted I still have Thanksgiving and TWO birthdays to do (my younger two boys are turning 4 and 5 this weekend! :party:), so rest isn't exactly on the to-do list, but I'm still looking forward to lots of family time!

As for my soap fairies, they haven't completely left. I did 5 different batches this morning. From looking at them in the molds, the colors aren't exactly right. I'm hoping my Cucumber Melon just isn't done changing. When I poured, it was pretty much teal green. Then it paled out as it sat in the mold. Now it's more blue than green. Wish I'd been taking pics.

On another soap, the swirls look great, but the yellow is softer than I intended. It was a nice bright yellow in the pot, but looks nearly white in the mold against the navy and charcoal gray (not quite black... I'm still scared of gray suds).

Then one overheated a little and I've got a small heat crack down the middle. But other than that, it's behaving as expected. The other two batches turned out nicely as far as I can tell.

Update on my non-discoloring Chocolate Mint. Some of it is discoloring, so it now just looks dirty. I have NO idea what is going on with that soap, except that I'm making it again tomorrow and hoping it turns out right this time. I may add a little cocoa or brown oxide to help it along, just in case.

So I may send them all along to you, Grumpy, just to get rid of the fairies! :laugh2:

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