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Elizabeth's Basic Luxuary Bar...


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I was wanting to make this..but I don't have all the same oils..

Here is the origanal recipe..

4 oz. Avacado

2 oz. cocoa butter

10 oz. coconut 76

12 oz. olive

6 oz. palm

4 oz. palm kernel

6 oz. rice bran

4 oz. shea

hardness 44

cleansing 19

condition 51

bubbly 19

creamy 24

iodine 58

Here is what I have changed it to...

8% sweet almond

5% cocoa butter

20% coconut 76

25 % olive

10% lard

9% babassu

16% rice Bran

5% shea

2% beeswax..

Hardenss 41

cleansing 20

condition 52

bubbly 20

creamy 21

iodine 60

If you see anything that does not look right..let me know...or if anything should be changed..I am still trying to learn how to exchange oils..so I want to be sure before I make a mess of it....

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I have did a little more to this...I think this looks better, anyway the numbers do..Let me know what some of you more knowlegable soapers think..

9% Almond

5% Cocoa butter

20% coconut

25% olive

20% lard

8% babassu

8% rice bran

5% shea butter

Hardness 43

Cleansing 19

Condition 52

Bubbly 19

Creamy 23

Iodine 58

INS 153

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I would keep the same amounts Elizabeth is listing and just sub out the Avocado for Almond, the Palm for Lard, and the Palm Kernel for Babassu. You should be fine with keeping the same amounts.

Dont bother adding the beeswax.

Almond 4oz

Cocoa Butter 2oz

Coconut 10oz

Olive 12oz

Lard 6oz

Babassu 4oz

Rice Bran 6oz

Shea 4oz

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