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Ok, this is the first time I used m&p cocoa butter soap base. I thought I would get "creative". LOL. I melted 1.5lbs of base, scented it with KY's Hot Cocoa. Sprinkled the mold with cocoa powder, poured it into my log mold. During which I was melting the remaining soap and wisked in cocoa powder, added the fo and in a stream added the darker soap to my soap in the mold. Well, it didn't quite do what I thought. Very RUSTIC! LOL. I can tell you, it smells wonderful! I sliced it up and it's out to dry. :laugh2:


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Wow, coming from all of you, I feel great! It smells devine. In a couple of weeks, I will trim it up and label it, it should look kind of pretty. This base is really nice. I just washed with the "ends" and it lathers nicely! :grin2:

M & P doesn't need cure time on a rack does it? You can use it right away. I never cured mine.

You soap looks great! Very creamy.


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M & P doesn't need cure time on a rack does it? You can use it right away. I never cured mine.

You soap looks great! Very creamy.


You are right; M&P is already cured, before I started playing with it I was buying it and just cutting chunks off to use (it isn’t as good as my hand made CP but much better than any other type of commercial soap I’ve found). I do like to let mine set for a day or so in a dry area to let any excess moisture it might have absorbed from my famously humid kitchen work its way out but that’s it. I don't think there is any reason you can't trim as soon as it's completely cool.

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I also let mine sit...I once read long ago that even if you let store bought soap sit it will harden with time...a harder soap lasts longer..also..because my customers buy in bulk I send them some silica in an organza bag to keep in with their soaps when they store them in tupperware...keeps them dry. That tip I got from sandissoap

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My very first batch I had packaged/labeled a couple of days after cutting. I went to get ready for my show, the labels were WAY too big! LOL. So I will package them in a couple of weeks. M&P needs to sit awhile before labeling, it does shrink a bit, Although you can use it immediately! :yay:

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My very first batch I had packaged/labeled a couple of days after cutting. I went to get ready for my show, the labels were WAY too big! LOL. So I will package them in a couple of weeks. M&P needs to sit awhile before labeling, it does shrink a bit, Although you can use it immediately! :yay:

I let my M&P simmer in the double boiler for awhile before I pour to drive out any alcohol and/or water that wasn’t processed out during manufacturing to avoid shrinkage. It also makes it less drying (which I have seen a lot of people complain about with M&P) which I assume is from the alcohol. At any rate it works for me. I guess I’m always assuming everyone does it like I do, sorry, so letting it sit awhile should accomplish the same thing.

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I looked at this thread yesterday morning and thought it was CP. I just read your thread and found out different. You fooled me, it looks GREAT!!

LUV your location, I used to feel the same way until now- prices are driving us out of FL (but not back to NY). :tiptoe:

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