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Fire and Ice

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Well this weekend I did two shows and the one I will go back to tommow to finish up where my friend sold candles for me. She did very well for me!

The show I was at was good because I'd never shown there but my candles have been there twice, so it was time for those regulars to finially meet me and I them!:yay: Had a great time and sold lots of candles! Sold out of quite a few scent s too but the stock for both shows was split so neither show was at full stock! People bought when they realized I was raising my prices in January too. Had great neighbor on either side; one woman did massaages and we basically tagteame the customers as we were down on the very end of the hallway! I brought them down with the scent of my candles, the customers bought candles and massages so we were both having a GREAT TIME! Attendance was very steady as was the buying in our corner!:P I even traded a candle for a ten minute upper body massage. It was really wonderful. The woman running the show was a friend and at the end of the show I bought her a ten minute massage because she certainly earned it!:laugh2: :laugh2: She ran my booth when I had to go out to get change at a McDonalds, delivered lunches to all the vendors, was the DJ for the Christmas music as well as all around helper! She was awesome!

The other show was well attended as well, though it was in another town. My friend who ran the booth thought sales were down because I wasn't there but I don't think so. She did nearly $300.00 on sales. It was very cold out so that helped bring the crowds in and they were in the mood to buy too! She had a very good time meeting my customers.

All in all, it was a GREAT, FUN DAY!

Hope the rest of you had great sales today too!


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I did suprisingly better than I thought I would! After getting a very late start (we're talking setup supposed to be done at 8:30, and not even leaving the house until almost 8!!!), throwing together our table (which turned out looking AWESOME) at the last minute, and trying to get over the feeling that "oh yeah, this is going to be one hellish show" just because of the crummy morning.....I did 3X table fee. :yay: I was very pleased because I hadn't made very much product to begin with and debated about even going at all! I met some great people, got alot of shopping done and made some $$ too! It was a good day! I have just enough stuff left to take to work and sell off this week. (a pay week too, woooohoooo!! LOL)

Small sold big, BTW! The economy stinks around here so lip balms, bath bombs and lollipop soaps were my best sellers by far. My CP soaps were flying off of the shelves too! OMH and Lavender (of course! :rolleyes2 Were the two big sellers of the day) I only sold one case of candles.....but off to work they go! :) I hope everyone else had good shows too! I am done for the year--YEAH BAAABY!! :whoohoo: :rockon: *super banana* :bliss:

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Shows have been fair.I was to cold at one and to hot at another.Had to take breaks because weather got to me and husband was working so couldn't help out this craft season. Did very good at one, fair at another and about 3 were very slow but results after the shows are what counted for me. First year it was so big(at least for me).

One show I got 2 e-mails saying we love your candles.Where will you be next and if we cannot make it will order on-line. One order came yesterday.12 of one scent. Another order came from a neighbor(30- 4 ounce),one is a possible fundraiser(waiting to hear this month) and one is going to buy mine from now on and not a friend's. My friend wants to sell air fresheners for me.She gets part. Another is going to call for tarts when she runs out. That was the show end.

For website I got my first sales rep.She has placed 2 small orders and placing a 3rd this week. She is doing parties etc.Then another new customer has ordered 2 times this month and would like to try all my scents eventually. So all in all for some reason this year picked up not because I made a killing at the shows but repeat customers since. :yay:


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It's so great to hear that shows are going very well for some. I personally hope they are good to great for all soap and candle crafters.

I did notice at my show that larger ticket items were NOT selling well at all and some crafter went home with very light pockets:embarasse , Their crafts were very nice but they were not selling.

I hope by this time next year to be selling things like lip balms, lotions~(scented base), body wash~(base) and if all works out, CP soap.:wink2:

JMO~ Things that help us personally, candles, B&B, and the like are what people are going for in an econemy that is shaky. When things get rough, we are known to stay closer to home and nest. (so to speak).


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The show my friend did for me, she did very well a little over $300. Can't beat that since it only cost $20 to get in. She had a person ask about fundraising, she handed them out a packet and answered questions. She said Melts were the #1 seller which I figured that. She rewarded herself with a crap load of Melts, lol.

Mindy :)

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My shows so far have been very good. This year I decided not sell anything inexpensively. If the customers want cheapo stuff they can go to Walma*&^ or the $$$ store. I just can't afford to do it anymore with the costs of my supplies and higher fees at the shows. Yesterday I sold out of so many items that I am going to be busy all week trying to make stuff for next weekends show. I also got an offer to work with some ladies that do staging at homes. Two other ladies also wanted my candles in their store. After this show I had to attend an Open house at one of the stores that carries my stuff and they sold alot of the candles and want more by the end of the week. I am so exhausted and have been fighting the flu or something all week. I even got the flu and pneumonia shots to prevent this. I can't eat any food, it makes me sick just to smell it. Why can't I get orders when I am not swamped or sick.....

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My first home sales week went well and still going, orders still to come for gift crates.

total so far over $900.00

whoo hoo!!!!

sold alot of 10 oz candles, tarts , body scrub , facial scrub and soap :yay: :yay: :yay:

Scents that sold well- vanilla, balsm, fresh linnen (candles & tarts

soaps- almond , watercress&aloe (ng)

scrub-vanilla silk

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My home parties have been doing extremely well.

October was my best month so far this year and November is off to a great start so am hoping for another great month.

My best sellers have been Toasted Marshmallow, Mistletoe, Wildberry Mousse, Amish Harvest and Sugared Spruce.


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I made 2x my booth fee, I'm happy with that considering it was a small church craft show. I'm very disappointed though that I didn't sell one single soap cake. I had 11 of them and not one sold. Had lots of compliments on how great they looked.

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