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What's Up With My M&P??


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What FO scent did you use? You would be amazed at how many fo scents will discolor mp soap. Ask me how i know- Its happened to me many times!!! I'm waiting for the most beautiful chocolate mint soap to discolor. I learn to take picas asap before the discoloration occurs.....LOL

it could be your choice of fo.

strawberry discolors, chocolate does, coconut, etc......


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it was blackberry sage... olive blossom did the same thing too actually turned it even more yellow. Maybe I'll have to start dying my soaps but I kind of do the more natural thing so I didn't want to but this yellow color isn't very pretty!

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definitely FO

Colored oils are logical that they'll affect the whiteness/brightness, but don't assume that a clear oil WON'T affect it, because they certainly can & will!

years ago I made samples for myself with a small mold of every FO that I stocked at the time in a plain, white soap and made notes of their color after 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, and 1 month. Try it and you'll be shocked at how many will change and how few stay white! Some of the "changed" colors aren't appealing, so you have to be careful how you color them too.

If you want to stay natural, you still can .... use cocoa, paprika, dry mustard (doesn't smell), etc. for your colorants instead of supplier bought dyes :)

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Is there a way to keep them white naturally? Un-naturally?

opinions vary on this, so it basically comes down to trial and error with you own materials. I have tried "vanilla stabilizer" and have gotten mixed results. In an oil with low vanilla content, it will help. It won't help with a heavy bakery scent.

You can add TD (titanium dioxide) to re-whiten, but again everything is "to a degree" and nothing ever completely overcomes color changes in my trials and experience.

WSP is wonderful about listing the % of vanilla content on their oils ~ that will give you a great starting point at guessing what will "change" if you're ordering a new oil that you've never tried before.

If you have a niche (special shape, certain design, distinctive packaging) your customers probably won't even care what color the soap is :)

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I hear ya- I made these wonderful soaps with little embedded sayings in a pretty pink color, and the FO I used was Sweet Pea-it's a yellow FO, and within a couple of days, all my cute little soapies started fading out/yellowing from the outside in. Grrrrr

I posted them on another board, and everyone said to go ahead and try to sell them, cuz other peeps might not even notice-we shall see. ;)

I truly believe that it IS the FO, I've had problems with lemon, bubble gum, vanilla (obviously) etc. etc.

Some FO's/soaps get wonky and some don't, it's all trial and error with this.

It just bites when you've worked hard on them and then they turn on you huh? :mad:

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How much titanium dioxide should I add? Or maybe I am worrying too much... I mean it doesn't look that bad. It's just I see so many white bars people are selling online that I just felt I must be doing something wrong.

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If you want to stay natural, you still can .... use cocoa, paprika, dry mustard (doesn't smell), etc. for your colorants instead of supplier bought dyes :)

is there a list of spices that can be used safely for color? and also say if this can cause irritation

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