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Candlewic's 5055

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I made a 3" pillar with 5055 and I am having trouble wicking it. The flame either grows or fades in time. I thought paraffin was supposed to be easy to wick.:confused: Anyone have any tips on what type of wicks burn best for this wax? I have tried hemp, square braid, lx, and P so far.

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That wax has too high a melt point for a 3 inch pillar. I haven't ever used it to make a candle with a wick, but the only application I would think to try with that paraffin is tapers. Once you get to wider diameters it would be very difficult to get a balanced burn. The wick would tend to do exactly what you're seeing. Too small and it clogs or overtrims because of the viscosity of the wax and the candle not burning down fast enough. Too big and you get tall flames due to the large wick size and the melt pool not being fed fast enough.

If you want to take a last stab at it, what I'd try is to add a bunch of stearic acid - maybe 10 to 20 percent. Then find the smallest wick that doesn't drown out and see how it burns. But probably you're better off using paraffin with a melt point around 140 instead of 150-155.

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