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CLB-141 & hot throw

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Is it just me? I'm getting almost NO hot throw from candles made with CBL-141. I've been testing at 6% in 2" pillars wicked with LX 14s. At first I thought it was my FOs - most of mine were purchased for soap though rated ok for candles. But I even used one that I was told kicked butt in candles and nothing much...

I had a friend testing, and her husband. And yea, I let them cure a week even.

Grrr. What's going on?

(added FO at 185, poured at 180)

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Wicks can be very effective at burning off fragrance so it never has a chance to disperse through the air. Votives burn with a smaller flame if wicked properly and can sometimes throw surprisingly well at 5-7% FO load, but I agree you should probably go to a 3 inch diameter if you want to make pillars for scent throw.

Feel free to experiment with those soap fragrances (some can be very good), but be prepared for a hit and miss experience. Some just don't throw well, period. In other cases you might find the extra cost and fragrance complexity is wasted on candles. Even though it's nearly all compatible, I believe the fragrance manufacturers formulate differently depending on whether it's supposed to be for soap or candles.

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oh interesting Top - I actually wicked up as far as I could get away with in hopes of getting a great throw - perhaps I should try the 12 which also does a great burn.

I do have some supposedly great candle FOs coming my way (I only had 1 oz of the other to play with). I thought the FOs I had would do well in candles since they were from Peak, even though I bought them with CP soap in mind!

This is such a learning experience - quite humbling to tell the truth. I typically give up quickly on things I don't think I'm good at from the start. But I'm having fun...

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