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Spa type scents in soy


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I'm looking to "obtain" :tiptoe: a few more spa type scents, but I've found a good number of those I bought just don't do well in soy. Nothing too musky. Any suggestions? I have to place a Candle Source order so something from them would be great, but any suggestions would be appreciated.

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JJ Bedtime Bath is awesome.I guess that would be spa type.

I have tried aromatherapy and cannot seem to sell those.Maybe lemongrass, lilac and lavender but not some of those that are just for aromatherapy. I even listed what they all do for people. The other favorite for people is the peppermint for headaches.


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Thanks, is the JJ a lavender type scent? I'm in AZ & CA and spa type scents are really big here. I should have listed what I already have

Zen - sort of a black tea scent


Neutra-Air (not flowery at all)

Clean Cotton




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