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total merchant services (cc Processing)


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i was wondering if anybody here uses them for your merchant account and cc processing. im looking at the nurit 8000 wireless and 1.74% fee 20 bucks monthly service fee and a 10 dollar statement fee and 20 cents transaction fee . if anybody has them i would like to know what your monthly charges from this company are like and are they any good with customer service. any help would be great.

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We had a pizza place and used them. I remember paying appx $12/mo. Then each transaction had it's 25 cent & 1.7 % fee . An $80 trnxn would cost appx $1.75. A bit less than the lady above mentioned, but you still have that monthly fee. I guess it really depends on how many transactions you do a month. If you did less than twenty, it would actually cost more to have the machine. Also there is the cost of the machine. I purchased the credit card machine (used, for appx $125) and, therefore, had no equipment fee. Our money was normally in our bank acct two days after trnxn.



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