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Hi everyone, I'm new to this site but I've been reading your input for couple weeks now, very infomative. I've been making soy candles for more than a year now and you guys have helped solve some of my problems just by reading, thanks. I was wondering if anyone ordered Calsoy from Swan and do you know approx. shipping costs for 50 lbs. Thanks again, you guys are great.

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I have used RRD and HTP wicks

Calsoy has two different container waxes which are one pour and need no additives.

One is their CB3 which is Mostly Soy wax blended with some other vegetable waxes. I don’t know exactly what kind of other veggie wax, but it does not have any paraffin in it.

They have another blend called CB2 which is soy based (usually 70%) with paraffin added (usually 30%). I am not exactly sure the amounts blended but those are the standard amounts I have seen with soy/paraffin blends.

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Carrie, thanks for all the information, you're a doll. I already ordered from Mill Creek but I'm definately going to try some calsoy in the near future. By the way, lots of snow and ice here (Chicago area) yesterday and today Brrrrrrr!

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