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Michi...m&p soap


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I use the microwave exclusively for my M&P and have never had a problem with frosty looking soap. I read the warnings that could happen so I use the medium setting on the micro and check it every 20-30 secs. I try and look for the point where there is still a small unmelted lump, then take it out and stir gently til that piece melts by itself. I have actually boiled my base a couple of times by mistake...usually when I am using a really small amount of it and get sidetracked. Those times it didn't have a frosty look, rather millions of bubbles that never seem to go even when I spritz them in heaps of RA. I think the quality of the base might have something to do with it maybe?

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:whoohoo: my name in lights!! :D Just kidding

Yep, I've noticed that if I overheat my M&P (yep mosttimes I just don't pay that much attention, mostly doing 20 things at once, or trying to at least ;) ) it will come out "frosty" --after it sets is usually when I notice it. That's with both clear and white bases.

Or sometimes if I've remelted the same soap, it just won't turn out, coming out kinda frosty looking or gloppy gross even.

I've never adjusted the heat setting on my micro. that's something to think about though, although I've come to "know" when a certain amount should be melted with the high temp. that is.... if I'm paying attention. LOL

Oh and I only use SFIC now for the past 1 1/2 years. ;)

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I think my microwave is set to high so that could be the problem. I don't know the one I use, I bought it from WSP or someplace like that.

I'm going to experiment and try to melt it differently and see if the same thing happens. Mine bubbles over all the time in the micro. :o

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If it is boiling all over then it is way too hot. I have found if you leave some unmelted and take it out and stir the rest I didn't have a problem like Peachdream said. Make sure you cube the pieces you are meting into small 1 or 2 inch size makes for easier melting. Also make sure there is no water in the bowl you are melting it in that will sometimes make the m&p frothy.

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