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Dos ?


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I have several batchs of soap that I made during the late spring early summer that have developed DOS. Can the soap still be used? I hate to just throw out 3-4 batches of soap. Not sure what caused the DOS as I have sued the same ingredients in the last month or so and the bars are fine. Only thing I can think of is heat and humidity as we don't have central air and the window unit sometimes can't keep up real well.

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I dig the orange spots out (with my fingernail, truth be told LOL) or otherwise trim the bars and then keep and use them, and share them too. Typically once the DOS forms and you cut it out it doesn't come back, go figure.

I have had it show up on a couple of batches that were just like others, stored in the same place, etc.

People theorize that humidity plays a role, but we cannot always figure out why sometiems I batch goes bad while the one next to it doesn't.

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The humidity probably played a big part in the DOS. I only had one DOS batch and I just cut it out and used some of the bars, but definately didn't give it away or sell it. If it spreads and starts to smell bad, like rancid oils, toss it out, as there's no saving it!! :cool2:

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Humidity is a factor in DOS, but not the only one. High heat, sunlight, using oils that are less-than-fresh and have a short shelf life (relatively unstable) all play a part, IMO. All these things contribute to the breakdown (rancidity) of the oils.

I'd use it myself but not sell it too.

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