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Checked out a big craft show...


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My mom and I used to always go to this huge craft show every year, but I haven't gone in two years. I actually contemplated selling at the show this year, but the $650 3 day booth fee scared me off, and with good reason!

The show is smaller than in previous years. TONS of jewelry, too much. All nice stuff, but too much.

There was a gel candle maker there and her stuff looked awesome! And two soy candlemakers.

One of the soy ladies, her stuff looked really good, but the other one...well... she had the "triple scented, soot free" on her labels. If what she had would be considered labels. The scent names looked like they were printed off a label maker and stuck on the lid. I opened a couple to sniff, and I desperately wanted to ask if she had a heat gun because the holes were awful.

The worst part.... NO warning labels! NONE. I really wanted to say something to them, but my mom hates when I get confrontational and it was her birthday, so I didn't.

The only pillars I saw was at a beeswax booth.

Anyhow, maybe if their booth fees come down next year, I'll sign up...

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