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Help! Soap Coloring


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I have looked and looked and cant make up my mind...Im a newbie to soap..I am making M&P and would love to know where the "professionals like you all" get your soap colorant. I have seen so many different sites but dont know which one is the best. Would love some advise on where to order my soap coloring...Thanks sooooooo much!!

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http://www.brambleberry.com/basic12.html (lab colors)

http://tradewinds.mainsecure.net/shop/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=15 (select shades)

http://soapsillywholesalesupplies.com/misc_supplies_pg2.htm (dragon lily)

lab colors and select shades have a basic set of 12 or so you can buy and with their charts make any color you can imagine-kind of fun and different. I used them in cp and my sister in her mp and really liked them. Now I guess I am going more simple and direct and letting go of the charts and blends for the dragon lily or celestial colors approach. I think it is going to work better for what I want right now but I wouldnt have passed up being able to play with the ss or labcolors for anything!

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