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Manoi ??


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I just got some manoi in today and have never used this or seen it. It came in a bottle and isn't quite hard, but it is not liquid. It is hard enough that it is going to be hard to get it out of the bottle. Does this sound right?

Also, I would love to hear what applications that those of you that have or do use it, have put it in.

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Sounds right to me. I just run my bottle under hot water till it liquifies.

I love the smell of monoi. I use it in anything I can. In my whipped shea I don't even scent it, the scent of the monoi comes through just enough to make me happy.

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Thanks Gerrie. I put some on the back of my hand to just try it out and boy did it melt nicely and soak right in. I can't wait to try it in something and to hear what others have used it in.

ETA - I have heard of some using it as conditioner in their hair. DD dyed her hair AGAIN and now it is really dry. I plan on trying it in her hair to see how it helps.

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Thanks Gerrie. I put some on the back of my hand to just try it out and boy did it melt nicely and soak right in. I can't wait to try it in something and to hear what others have used it in.

ETA - I have heard of some using it as conditioner in their hair. DD dyed her hair AGAIN and now it is really dry. I plan on trying it in her hair to see how it helps.

I've also read a lot about using it as a conditioner, but never tried it so can't say one way or another how good it is. I would think it would be wonderful, plus you'd smell sooooo good :D

And yes, it doesn't have that greasy feeling to it at all. You'll find a lot of different ways to use it once you start.

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I'm lucky cause my weather rarely goes below 80 degrees so my monoi stays liquified. I use them in roller bottles and just roll that puppy all over my bod hehe. Face, neck back of ears wrists, elbows and just rub it in. I also sue it as a body spray. You can use it 100% but it's so expensive, so I do a 50/50 with fco.

Also , you can use it in soaps, lotion bars, just about anything.

Like said above if it solidifies, just hold it in your hands for a few minutes or run bottom of bottle under hot water and it'll liquify.

It's really great stuff if you like the floral scent. ;)

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I was a serious hater of Monoi. BIG time. :shocked2:

I really don't care for florals.

Till CDGM sent me her Monoi Whipped Body Butter.

It is TO DIE FOR. I hoard it, like gold. I also received a spray from Val, and I love it. But for me- it must be unscented Monoi, I do not care for the scent of Gardenia. Monoi has amazing moisturizing properties.

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