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I have about had it!!


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I am so tired of getting lables that dont fit my templates, then I have to go in and try to custom fit the templates and my software for some reason wont work with it.. I currently use Print Shop Deluxe 20 and have for about 3 years.. and in the past when I came across this issue I went to DesignPro, which is fine and dandy but it wont take my picture cropping, feathering etc and it just irks me to no end.. So I guess I need to update myself and get a new print software.. What do you all suggest works best for printing your own labels?

Thanks... sorry for the vent..but I do feel better..

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I don't know whose labels you are using, but every time I order a new batch of labels, they are off so bad, I have to write (setup) a new print program. Desktop Labels are the best for being sized correctly. I don't know why Planet, Online and others have such poor quality. Carole

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All I have to say is if it wasn't for labels I would be so much happier. LOL

I have to second (or third or fourth or whatever) this statement!! I swear if I could make a decent label, I probably would be selling my products already!!

Hey I've tried doing the full sheets and cutting my own, but they never come out straight or whatever-is there a secret to cutting a perfectly straight line?? I know DUHHHH.

For circles (which seem to be the WORST for not lining up) I even bought one of those scrapbooking circle cutters that will make any diameter circle, but still......

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