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I have a gc for the scent works and I want to order some samples and this is the size they offer for their sample deal, but I have NO clue how much a 1/5 of a dram is?????? LOL

Can I actually use this or is it just enough to sniff??



Yep, it says this on their site:

Each vial sampler consists of a glass sampler vial (with applicator) filled with 1/5 dram of your favorite fragrance!!

Hmm if that's the case (16 drams in an ounce) I don't even know why they bother with a glass vial AND an applicator????

Bummer, I don't have enough to spend over and above what my GC is, but that's all I can find to order for that price. :(

Maybe they sell stearic?? I need some badly!! :D Off to check!!


Those are the smallest vials ... just enough to sniff Michi or maybe it would work in some kind of small batch of B&B stuff, like a lotion. That's a big maybe.


Oh wait, I looked at one of my supplier sites and they sell these amber dram bottles which are 1/8 oz. So I guess there must be 8 drams in an ounce, not 16. Your 1/5 dram samplers would be 1/40 of an ounce. It must be just a few drops for you to sniff, it wouldn't be enough to make a candle or anything.


Yeah, it's a few drops. Not enough to make anything but a lotion tester, like an ounce of lotion to see how it works in B&B. Or enough to put on a brass ring to sniff it warm.


I have some and they be dinky! SW is running a sale this week, $10 off any purchase over $40, maybe that could help you get some FOs? I have the code somewhere, if you need it (bought some FOs and used mine already, lol!). Ahhh, now I just have to wait.....

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