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I am using candlewic cbl 141 blend. I am pouring at 175 in a metal mold, and I keep getting pin holes all over my candle, and Im also pre-heating my mold. Any suggestions? Are plastic molds better to work with to avoid this problem?


Sometimes I get them in my aluminum molds when they arent clean enough before I pour...I dont use that wax but if you arent trying to get a specific result and just want a clean pillar, clean the mold and pour hotter...

Also just recently I quit spraying mold release in my aluminum molds, and that helps too...i guess they are seasoned well...lol

HTH, i'm sure others will have more tips

ETA: I'm brain dead and missed the part of what kind of mold you are using..



For months I actually was at war with pinholes. Just recently I found a way that works well for me, and that is just to calm down haha. I always had programmed in my mind that as soon as the wax reaches the pouring temp that I had to practically run to the mold with the melted wax and pour it in the mold.

Well, you really don't have to be as crazed over pouring as I thought. Now when my wax hits pouring temp, I pour it into the mold while it is tilted, so that the wax can flow down the side of the mold instead of before when i just poured it in the center of the mold(like where the wick is). Just don't pour too fast, keep the mold titled while pouring at first, and if possible, do candles on a warm day(or keep the temp in your home up) so that they can cool at a more stable temperature.

Also, I pour about 5-10degrees hotter than suggested temp(Pour around 180-185 instead of 175) since the pouring is slower, and there isn't worry about 'jump lines'



I use CBL141 straight or mixed with soy and pour anywhere from 180-190......175 is too low for that wax. I only get pin holes when my molds need a good cleaning and I never heat my molds. :cool2:

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