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16oz.smooth mason jar

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does any one use these jars i am testing today it is not going to good

the light is low it did a fool melt pool but not deep in 3 hours i use 100% soy

51cotton fo lavender in bloom 1.5 1 drop color

should i wick up on this or should i keep burning and see what happens

thank you


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Do you get much hot throw? How deep is the MP? What wick are you using? If you get a full shallow MP after three hours, it may get deep enough after another hour. A good MP is one between 3/8" to 1/2" after four hours. Also, as you burn deeper in the jar, it may burn better since it will hold in more heat. I would burn it at least two more times before bailing on that wick.

geek :grin2:

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You can't tell anything from the first burn. Soy burns down, then catches up oin the diameter. Let it go for several burns before you make a decision, you might be surprised at what happens further down.

I should say, if your wick is like drowning out on the very first burn, it's probably obvious that wicking up is necessary, but if your flame looks nice, it will take several burns to give you a more accurate result.

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