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** Whats in your pot this week/end? **

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I'm participating as vendor for a United Way event this weekend so I've poured so many candles I'm actually sick of 'em! I figure I'll be over that by, say, Sunday and then I'll be getting after pouring some Spring Samplers (my March special) which I think will be NGs Honeydew Pear, SNC Heavenly Honeysuckle, and WSP Sweet Rain.

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I have a few personalized hurricanes I have promised family members since before Christmas to make for them. Guess I oughta start those-lol.

Also I have some testing of new scents I want to pour up, and some spring line things I want to do for an auction we are having at work in the middle of March.

And some soap. I need to make up 2-3 batches of soap with some new scents I haven't made soap in. One of the batches is for my hub at his request. :)

That's about it for me. :)

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Soap, soap and more soap. More new wax test candles as well as cleaning up the pit I call my office and the areas that hold all my supplies. I can't find a thing.

Maybe I'll even unpack a few of the boxes in my office and master bedroom, I mean it's only been 3 months since we moved here. I might also get around to hanging the last two sets of curtains and start working on hanging pictures on the walls while I'm at it. :laugh2:

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Soap, soap and more soap. More new wax test candles as well as cleaning up the pit I call my office and the areas that hold all my supplies. I can't find a thing.

Maybe I'll even unpack a few of the boxes in my office and master bedroom, I mean it's only been 3 months since we moved here. I might also get around to hanging the last two sets of curtains and start working on hanging pictures on the walls while I'm at it. :laugh2:

Oh hell girl, I've been in my house going on 6 YEARS in June, and I STILL have unpacked boxes.. lol I *think* it may be some books and clothes, that I'll NEVER fit in again! lol

If it isn't for candles or soap, it pretty much just sits there until I have "time" lol

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No candlemaking this weekend! I'm keeping my grandsons this weekend while Mom and Dad go to the Mardi Gras celebration in St. Louis. I have planned a little Mardi Gras party of our own ...got the kids some beads, tattoos, feather headbands, masks, and a King Cake. I think they will enjoy it! ;)

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:laugh2: I'm glad to know I'm not the only one. Been here just over a year and was starting to feel ashamed of all the unpacked boxes still lying around. I do believe in 'out of sight, out of mind', so have moved them all to the spare bedroom. :D

As for the weekend, there's Energizing, Eucalytpus, Gardenia, Herbal Dreams, Fruit Slices, Green Clover & Aloe & Honey Coco Mango waiting to be poured up.

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Okay, I just have to ask. What is the history behind a king cake? What is it? I've been seeing them all over the stores here. Purple, green, round ring looking thing. I'd like to try it, but I'm allergic to flour so I have to pass, but it looks interesting.

Here's the story on the King Cake:

spacer2.gif On the Christian calendar, the twelfth day after Christmas is known as "Epiphany", "Twelfth Night", or "Kings Day." It is the day the gift-bearing Magi visited the baby Jesus, and is celebrated with its own unique rituals. The New Orleans tradition, begun in the 1870s, borrows heavily from European customs. As part of the celebration of Mardi Gras, it is traditional to bake an oval cake in honor of the three kings - the King Cake. The shape of a King Cake symbolizes the unity of faiths. Each cake is decorated in the traditional Mardi Gras colors: purple represents justice, green represents faith and gold represents power. A small baby, symbolizing the baby Jesus, is baked into each cake. In New Orleans, King Cake parties are held throughout the Mardi Gras season. In offices, classrooms, and homes throughout the city, King Cakes are sliced and enjoyed by all. Like the biblical story, the "search for the baby" adds excitement, as each person waits to see in whose slice of cake the baby will be discovered. While custom holds that the person who finds the baby in their slice will be rewarded with good luck, that person is also traditionally responsible for bringing the King Cake to the next party or gathering.

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More candles for the show next month. I have to pour Lilac, Cool Citrus Basil, Wisteria, Amish Harvest, Mango/Papay, Cherry Bomb, Key West and a few others. Both candles and Clamshells in all of the above scents!

Praise God that candle sales are picking up SLIGHTLY! This always the deadest and poorest season! I hate it!

I will be thinking about the next tart swap which Ashlie's host. Got some time but I still need to decide what's being sent for the swap.:yes: :wave:

Also I'm getting quite a bit of writing on the novel done. Not getting much sleep because of it but I go with the flow when the flow wants to go!

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Right now finishing up what is needed for one swap, then I'll finish up another swap, have to make more bohunks scrub and test more scents that I received from CS. And if I have time, gonna try to make my very first bath bomb!

And yet go to work, do the cindrella thing here...



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I have a swap to pour for and a few container candles to make for an order. I will be doing sweetpea and jamaican me crazy for the containers and I'm not sure yet on what I'm doing for the swap.

Robin-my garden is still frozen (pouting in a big way). Can't wait for spring!!!

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