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CP curing & a trace question


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I know you should let it cure for 2 weeks.... But can someone explain why besides the bar hardening?

Also how long should one wait to try a bar from a batch without it being bad for the skin, I thought I read (but didn't write it down) 3 days saponification is still going on. Is it safe to try after the 3rd day.

What do I look for in a batch if I didn't reach trace and I thought I did? There seems to be such a fine line with a good swirl and a thin trace that I'm afraid I haven't/won't reach trace trying to get a good swirl. Hope I got that out right :undecided TIA :)

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I know you should let it cure for 2 weeks.... But can someone explain why besides the bar hardening? You should defintely let you soap cure longer than 2 weeks. I like to let mine cure at least 6 but the longer the better. It will be harder, last longer, and it gets better with age.

Also how long should one wait to try a bar from a batch without it being bad for the skin, I thought I read (but didn't write it down) 3 days saponification is still going on. Is it safe to try after the 3rd day. I always wash my hands with a bar after it is cut, can't wait, but to use it in the shower I would wait at least 4 weeks, that's just me, I want to see how it is going to perform.

What do I look for in a batch if I didn't reach trace and I thought I did? There seems to be such a fine line with a good swirl and a thin trace that I'm afraid I haven't/won't reach trace trying to get a good swirl. Hmmm IMO if you soap is completely incorprorated, another words all the same color you have reach at least thin trace, if it is not completely emulsified then you will run into problems when it gels. I like my soap to at least stick to the stick blender and leave a blop in the soap pot til I do my coloring etc.. Take a look at Robin's tutorial, you can see there what thin and thick trace looks like. Now I am talking about CP. When I do HP I still let my soap cure for at least 3 weeks. HTH

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How long you need to cure depends on your recipe, your water discount, how thin a trace you poured at.... Something like a castille can take 5-6 weeks to harden properly. I use a pretty heavy water discount, pour at a thick trace, and I still like it to go 4 weeks. I don't sell it before 4 weeks minimum.

Someone once tested the pH of their soaps, and it dropped quite a bit for 3 days, then started dropping slower for another week, then the pH stopped changing. But there's still water being evaporated - you want a hard bar that will last a long time for the customer. It lathers better too the longer you wait.

I wash my hands with it the next day, and take it into the shower at 3 days. Don't use it on my face though for a week or so.

If you pour at too thin a trace, or it didn't really trace, you might get separation. You'll probably also get more ash than if you pour thicker.

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So the curing process is just hardening?? When you say it gets better w/ age, what does? The scent- right, is there anything else??

Also you said if the ingred. doesn't emulsify it can cause problems, what are the problems specifically?? I did a batch the other night and I can't figure out if the little bit of oil or more so softness from batch is do to not reaching trace or if it needed to set longer in the mold?? :confused: It was more slightly slimy than oily. I did a number on it getting it out of the mold because it was so soft. So the bars are very small :undecided The slimy/oil is almost gone so I'm thinking it just needed to set more-right??.

Also, right as I was done with the SB, it happened so fast, I think oil (like brown grease/lubricant) came shooting out into the soap. I scooped most of it out, thank God the rest settled at the very top so I cut it out. I know it was from the blender (which is brand new) because it was a very dark color compared to the oils I was using. Has this happened to anyone??

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The lye continues to dissipate over time; the soap gets milder with age.

Could this be why if you use a bar sooner it kinda makes your skin tingle temporarily? I was testing mine cause I couldn't wait and it has only been 1 1/2 weeks and it made my skin tingle for about 20 minutes then it was ok.

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OK I tested a bar after 4 days Lavender and Mint EO mixed with menthol crystals (Marisa inspired) and I got NOTHING -no zap, no tingle. My soap lathers/suds like a charm, a feel squeekie clean right after rinsing, then my skin feels soft after towelling off. I really feel like a I haven't a CLUE as how to critique a bar anymore (testing OVERLOAD :yes:). Once a upon a time I just took a shower and that was it now its all changed-LOL :D

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