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off topic/crayon marks?

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I thought since you work with wax and dyes , that you might be able to help me with my predictiment. My daughter decided to draw on the carpet instead of the paper i gave her, so i was wondering what could take it out. Any advice or could you steer me in the right direction to get an answer thanks i really do appreciate it. no more crayons in my house in less iam in the same room the whole time i just happened to be in the kitchen when she decided to do all this. Anyway i really need your advice, thankyou shelley

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thanks everyone I think i am going to try the desolve it from walmart hopefully that works i did look on the crayola website i didn't see anything but maybe i overlooked it. I also am going to buy another carpet cleaner ours is on the blink...It conked out, quit actually my dh put it on the porch and it froze and then he tryed to clean the carpet and burnt the motor lol oh well......... thanks again shelley

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Here is the tips from Crayola.com on getting regular crayolas out of carpet. To find this, go to the parents section, then helpful info then stain removal. Pick the type of product, then where the stain is. I put regular crayons in carpet for the above link.

LOL, we posted at the same time. Hope it helps.

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And yet one more item. :D There is a company called Mellaluca. I use a lot of their products, but one is just a miracle item. It is called solumel and I have yet to meet a stain it cannot get out. I cannot say I have tried it on crayon on carpet, but it has gotten several other items out of my carpet, off of my tile, off of walls, out of clothes.

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Take a good, thick paper towel, i.e. Bounty or the Kleenex brand.

Place it over the crayon marks.

Using a warm, but not too high temp set IRON- you don't want to burn or over heat the fibers of the carpet as it will melt just like any other over heated object when ironing. The warmth of the iron will melt the wax crayon, and the paper towel will absorb it...I have personal experience with this one.

Solvents may stain the carpet and lead you to a whole other set of problems.

Good Luck

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