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Pink Sugar

joisey girl

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Ok at the risk of being kicked off this board I just have to ask....is there anyone else that does not like "pink sugar" besides me?

On just about every message board I've been to everyone raves about PS so when when I put my Peaks FO order in I made sure to get it, but now in my testing I found that I'm just not "feelin this scent". Could it be that I'm abnormal or is it Peak's fault and there is a better PS supplier out there.

Also is PS a dupe of some sort because it smells very close to a scent my manager wears .....every day!

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I don't mind it at all. My husband loves it. I will only do it in pillers and votives though. Everytime I made it in jars it kept turning to a ugly tannish color. I will only do now for orders and not for any inventory. It does not do this in my pillars or votives though. Must be the differant wax reaction.:confused:

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I purchased Peaks also because of the "raves". I incorporated it into PQ wax and it has a very nice hot throw. In the bottle I get a real cotton candy aroma. I personally really like it, but have only sold 3 jar candles. The customers that did purchase them were hesitant at first by the smell in the jar, now their coming back for more.

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Pink Sugar is a dupe of the Aquolina perfume Pink Sugar. Personally, I love the scent and I think Peak's version is great! Also, I just got a sample of ICS's Pink Sugar, and OOB it smells identical to Peak's.

Thanks for the info, thought I read it was a dupe somwhere, but not sure of what.

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You are not alone. :P

I hate Pink Sugar with a passion. It smells like a locker room to me.

Wow, It's been awhile since I've been in a locker room but I still remember that smell...ugh.

I can't quite put my finger exactly what PS smells like to me, but I know I'm not too fond of it.

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I just got a sample from kycandlewaxsupply.com. It doesn't smell like cotton candy at all. Not sure what it smells like... maybe one of those scented household cleaners? Haven't put it in a candle yet, but so far it's not very promising!

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LOL - I'm not a huge fan :( I don't hate it but I'm fairly neutral on it. I'm like that on a few other things I think my nose could be broken. I get the Philosophy dupes from scent works and people tell me they are dead on but I don't think they smell at all like the real things ( I sell them though because I am severely out numbered)

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