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Shampoo Bar **Cut Pics Added**

Grumpy Girl

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Here's my shampoo bar that I've been working on for a few weeks. It's scented Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific and I worked on a nice little label to match it. These are gonna be for Spellkast's BB swap. Give me your comments about the label, I'd love to hear them.

It's super soft, and I probably won't be able to unmold it for another 24 to 48 hours. Bleh. I'm impatient.

I tried to match the color of the scent without going overboard. I'm not sure I was sucessful yet. :P

Edited to add:

** Okay, this lathers like a raped ape, but it's still too soft for the shower. It goes crazy in the kitchen sink though and the bubbles are nice and white instead of bright pink. :yay:






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You're right, I think I need to do a yellow edge or something around the label to separate the two colors a bit. Maybe wrap the soap with yellow tissue before labeling it... I dunno yet.

elle, I love my grumpy... thanks for the compliments! I want to be as bizarre as possible.

Now I want this sucker to come out of the mold so I can see if it kicks butt like I think it will.

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:waiting: Why oh why am I not in Spellkast's swap? Something about posting this is completely unfair.

Heh. Hey, I'm real curious on how this works for people. I use handmade soap on my hair all the time, and have never used a *specific* hair bar. Funny, huh? But I truly prefer using my bar soap vs shampoo. So I'm wondering how different/better a designated bar is. (of coarse actually making a shampoo bar is on my ever-growing list...)

Can't wait to see these babies cut up.

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OMG that has got to smell awesome- I remember going to my cousins' house when I was younger and they always had that shampoo, and I wanted it soooo bad, but for some reason my mom would never buy it for me. :( LOL

I LOVE LOVE LOVE that label, but I think..... GREEN would look really good as the background and really go good with the pink soap (wasn't the lid on the bottle of shampoo GREEN?? ;) )

I'm almost as excited as you to see it unmolded so I hope it hurrys up and hardens a bit so you can't get that baby outta there. LOL

Yah, exactly what IS the difference between regular homemade soap and a homemade shampoo bar??

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  • 4 months later...

You ever get a shampoo bar you were happy with?

Here's my shampoo bar that I've been working on for a few weeks. It's scented Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific and I worked on a nice little label to match it. These are gonna be for Spellkast's BB swap. Give me your comments about the label, I'd love to hear them.


Edited to add:

** Okay, this lathers like a raped ape, but it's still too soft for the shower. It goes crazy in the kitchen sink though and the bubbles are nice and white instead of bright pink. :yay:






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