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How many scent makers are there?


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OK, the topic may not be quite what I am looking for...

As I look around at all the scents that are out there, and there are a lot, I have found 16 (I know I haven't scratched the surface) different suppliers on the Internet for scents. Does everyone make their own scents or are there 4 scent makers that everyone is repackaging?

If I can't find a scent I am looking for, or what I do find doesn't meet my criteria, how/where does one go to make their own scent?

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I have wondered this too. Some are obviously buying and repackaging - you can tell by the higher prices. But some have very unique F.O.'s and I wonder who is wholesaling to them to get their scents. someone who knows more about this, enlighten us!

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Here's a list of some of the names of fragrance manufacturers. Many of them require ordering in drum sizes, but some allow you to buy 5#s or so. There are probably a lot more that I don't know about

Alpha Aromatics, Aromatech, Horizon Aromatics, IFT, Alpine Aromatics, Arylessence, Bell Fragrances, Carrubba, Cosmo International, Noville, Shaw Mudge, French Color, FFS, Royal Aromatics, Belle-Aire, Lebermuth...

Most of these places will custom design a fragrance for you if you buy in bulk. Most of the better suppliers are probably custom designing.

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  • 6 months later...

Just read your question about f/o from manufactures .I buy all my f/o directly

with a minimum of 5-25 " Yes, they will custom manufacture, some of the f/o are priced about the same 12-14 per pound but many are 60-80 dollars a lb

and you must buy in bulk just a bit of advise

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