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Hi folks,

I have a few questions for you. First of all for those that remember on Monday, I made my first cp soap. I thougt that it turned out ok but, I unmolded it yesterday and cut it and it is really very soft and still soft this morning. The cpl of cphp that I made seemed to hardened up fairly fast, is that normal for CP? I am going to try it again because I have really like the look of CP (thanks for those sending my some;) ) much better than Hp.

Ok 2 question for those of you that was in the recent mp soap swap...My little jelly roll soap...I posted before trying to figure out how to get the layers to stick together more, and as you can see I didnt do a very good job of it:sad2: I tried spraying alcohol between the layers but that really didnt seem to work for me. Maybe I wasnt spraying enough...maybe waiting to long to pour?? I dont know I am going to try that again as well.

P.S. one more for those that make the bigger mp soaps kinda like the one grumpy girl did, what kind of stuff do you use for a mold? Hubby and I loved that soap!!!!

Thanks again


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Question #1, if you used the full water amount, the soap will remain soft for quite a while, almost like fudge. set it up to cure and give it about 6 weeks, it should be fine. It will begin to harden a little after the first few days and continue on, If it never does harden, we would need to review your recipie with measurments and lye/water amounts.

Can't answer #2 sorry, tried m&p once and didnt care for it.

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Thanks Melly, maybe I am just alittle impatient:rolleyes2 ...fudge is a good description of what it looks like so maybe I am on the right track, As far as the mp goes...to me its all fun right now since I am just playing around. All thought my family and friends have loved my new hobby;)

Thanks Again


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Ok, can't help you out really, but I saw your jelly roll soap, and am curious as to how you got it to roll?

I had this really cute "lollipop" soap that was done the same way, and I tried recreating it, but I couldn't get my soap to roll up, it kept breaking. :(

As far as getting it to stick together, I've noticed with some layers, if I wait too long to pour the second layer, no matter how much I spray, it will still come apart when I cut it.

I'm trying to think how you could get the two layers to stick. Maybe if I could figure out how to just get it to roll, I could figure out the rest. LOL

I can't remember what Grumpy Girl's soap looks like (obviously I wasn't in the swap but I was nosy and checked them all out on the site she made ;) ), but I've used just about anything and everything for a mold. LOL

If it was a cut bar like from a log, then I use these drawer organizers from the dollar store, I've used baking pans, crystal lite containers (for round soap), measuring cups, oh the list goes on and on and on.

Basically you can use anything for M&P, as long as you can get it out (which sticking it in the freezer for a couple of minutes usually helps this).

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I'm not sure about the layers not sticking together. I want to try a rolled soap when I get my SFIC co-op stuff, so I'll be able to tell you more on that later on. I think maybe it was because it sat too long in between, but I can't say that for sure.

I did my MP swap soap in layers too and it seems that for the most part the layers are sticking. I used the "target mold" drawer organizer for it and really liked the size. I think that soap has about 4 layers to it. I poured, and while it was set up and still a bit warm, I sprayed with alcohol and poured the next layer, sprayed again, let it set, and repeated the process. The only beef I've got about that soap was my coloring bleed into the white. Live and learn, I've since got new colors guaranteed not to bleed for next time. ;)


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