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Palm wax & votives

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Can someone help me out here :P I love the look of palm in votives but Im having a hard time with the tops of the votives. Because palm shrinks so much I keep getting little shrink holes in the tops. Does anyone know of a way to fix this without wax seeping down the sides? :confused:

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I have tried Astro F (which I used religiously before you couldn't get it anymore) and I have tried Palm 2 to make votives with and I NEVER could get them to form w/o that one tiny little hole in them. I tried pouring and repouring and taking the heat gun to them (which messed them up, because once it cooled back the top wasn't feathered like the rest of the votive) and NEVER could get them to turn out right. I finally quit using that wax to make them. Sorry it wasn't what you were looking for,,,,,,,Portia

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I am a stricktly palm user and solve that issue with a little layer.

First try working in only white wax till you get the hang of it.

Pour the votive (190-200drgrees) leaving about a 1/4" to fill. Don't mess with them at all...When the tops are fully crystalized and you can tap them with your finger, they will be mostly white wit just a little hint of the beige color left.... pour on the top(also about 190). I try to pour right into the hole, but it doesn't always start to fill. Once my batch is all poured, I go in with some sort of poking device and poke a hole in the top through the cool layer. This allows the air to flow out. For air to escape, it needs two holes...the one it makes on it's own and the one you make.

Let me know how you do with this.


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