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Taking Pics for Website?


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I really could use some help taking pics for my website. I have never been good at taking pictures and would love some tips for getting great shots. My style is not country at all. It's more classic, simple and elegant. I have a digital camera and a regular camera, both of which are pretty nice. I tend to get pictures that are blurry, too light/too dark, generally crappy, etc . . . lol. Any suggestions? TIA!

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I tend to play around with the different settings on my digital camera and try using a tripod when taking pics that way the camera is steady with no shake. Try using a nice background with your photos and have lots of light. If your using lots of lighting, turn off the flash on the camera, that way your photos aren't over exposed. Not enough lighting leads to dark, dull pics. Take photos at different angles and always use the method of "braketing". Taking 3 pics at different angles and choosing one from the 3.

Hope that helps ya and good luck with your photos.:)

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I actually made a background out of a piece of light plywood which I covered with material. I take all my pictures on our back porch. It is great lighting and I get much better pictures than I ever did inside. I prop the background up against the wall on a table which I have covered with a black sheet. This plus using a photo shop editor makes for some snazzy shots. :)

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Thanks so much for all the tips! And Sharyl, I'm off to check out that old thread now. I really take horrible pictures, but I am much more hopeful now. I think I will definitely try going outside to take pics too. We have a great backyard that gets a lot of natural light and sun, so if it doesn't rain today, maybe I can get out there. I just want my pictures to look really nice, you know?

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