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Soaping Mandarin Plum and Stormwatch


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Sooooooo what color did ya do it? You'd better get that camera working (mine has been doing the same thing lately-acting like the batteries are dead, when I KNOW I just replaced them! :mad: ), cuz I wanna see it since I know what it smells like, it'll be ALMOST like I have it in my hands. LOL

And you didn't have any problems with it? Trace was fine, didn't seize up or anything?


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Nope, no problems at all. It smells sooooooooooo good. I just got home from work, and took it out of the mold, not cut yet. I done a purple swirl in a regular base. I meant to add TD to the base, and forgot it. I don't have any orange color. Had I judged this FO out of the bottle, I probably wouldn't have gotten it. But I took a suggestion from Spellkast, and boy was she right. I'd thought about getting it from another place, before I knew about the co op.

I don't have a clue what is wrong with this camera. It done that around Christmas time, then straightened up, now it is back at it again.

Edited to add: Found out what was wrong with the camera...it doesn't like cheap batteries. They were new, but apparently not strong enough.

I tried to cut the soap, but it's still a bit soft, so will wait and cut tomorrow evening. I used a different recipe than normal.

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