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Wax Melter Question

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I have a 65 lb wax melter I use. I’m wondering how long you can keep wax melted without burning, or does this not happen as long as the temp is kept at a usable temp? Also, how often do you need to completely clean out the melter?

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The answer to this completely depends on your wax. I leave my beeswax and bayberry vats on 24x7. I have to filter them out every couple of weeks.

Soy wax I would never leave more than one session because it starts to break down and smell terrible.


Coconut Wax I have not tried. It hearts fast so I would start fresh every daily session from cold.

Paraffin should be fairly inert though I would not leave up to temp outside of the normal working session  

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I’ve had coconut wax smell rancid right out of the original box before. With so many different formulas packaged as Coconut 83 it’s hard to say what element is making that horrid stench. The base formula uses oils that could very well go off within 6 -12 months of manufacture. It does not seem to impair the finished scented candles usually, though. 


one batch of coco83 from February smelled like a chemical concoction I’ve never smelled before. I gave up in that whole wax line after box to box differences made it impossible to work safely with. 

I would  not leave coco83 heated high in my big melter any longer than needed. The soy element in the formula easily goes off if kept warm too long. Over night was long enough for a load of soy wax to smell like and old fryer. That undertone carried through the finished candles. 

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I don't have a 65 lb melter but it is a smaller commercial melter I've had for over 15 yrs now. Being smaller its easier for me to clean out but I only do so when it runs out of wax and I only clean it out using paper towels.


For your larger melter can you turn it on the night before your candle making days to heat up your wax overnight instead of leaving it on 24/7? That's what I would do.

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