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I had fun making these today :-) I love playing in Palm Wax. I made relief holes on all of these so they dont collaspe on me in the middle of a burn. ( well at least I dont want the votives collasping) LOL

I am waiting on pic 3 and 4 to cool so I can take them out of mold.

I just LOVEEEEE Palm Wax :-)


All these are scented Harvest Spice .. When I make things for myself and for picture shows on web, I just close my eyes and grab a fragrance .. LOL That way I don't show favortism to fragrances !!!! :yay:






One cool aspect of palm is that when the melt pool solidifies, you get another great looking top, all the way to the bottom of the candle. :smiley2:


Dave never rolled beeswax LOL Never bought that stuff. He was rulling wannabe tapers lol.. Good memory though you have.

You want me to make you a pillar?? HA right.. NOT.. Ok , I will make one tomorrow, but have no clue what it will turn out to look like

I forgot to add palm stearic to this batch, but they came out fine.. I won't forget it for the pillar though


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