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hi i hope i am in the right place to post this,,,,i am looking for a site where they can print my lables and dont cost an arm and a leg,can anyone help me find a good place to get my labels printed,,,????


Ducky is right. You can print them yourself. Avery program is easy to use and I use it for my scent tags. I print it on parchment paper, but you can buy sheets of sticky labels in all sizes. I found a company by searching "print your own labels". Now, for my fancy label, I can't do it myself so I go to Tracy Gatskill


I have used her for years and she is very reasonable. I don't have to buy 3,000 at a time to get the price break. I am attaching one that she is going to print for me this week. It is 1 1/2" x 2 1/2" . She is charging me $90.00 for 1,000. Hope this helps. Donita


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