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bees wax tea light candles ~ Need help

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I'm sure this qustion has been asked a million times, but I've never ventured over to the candle making discussions.

I bought 100% natural beeswax for soapmaking and thought about making some bees wax tea lights with it also.

I understand it heats up way more than other waxes.

What kind of tea light container should I use?

I've seen the clear ones in stores, but what are they called exactly?

Should I use a certain type of wick?


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The melting point of beeswax is around 158 degrees depending on the level of filtration.

Square braided wicking works best with pure beeswax.

I'd honestly use the metal tealight cups instead of the plastic ones. This is personal preference, but I've had the plastic ones launch themselves out of a tealight holder--still not sure how that happened. Since beeswax has such a high melting point the metal ones might be the way to go as long as you clearly label that the tealight is not to be moved while lit. Because you know someone out there will try to move the little thing and burn their fingers.

Good Luck on the tealights....you are going to need a lot of testing on those sorry to say but beeswax in a container is tricky.


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