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Wick's are drowning out also/ HELP!

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I used Sissie's Sugar Cookie-BCS

8oz jj

FO 1 1/4oz per lb

Dye Flakes, Ivory 3-smidgens per lb

BW 1/2oz per lb( can't use more than 1/2oz in the winter b/c my tops crack )

I've used the HTP-105, Got a good throw with 3/8"mp, small mushroom, nice size flame, no black smoke, with a little hang-up.

Burned the next day, after burning for 2 hrs I had 1/8" of wax all around the jar, I let it finished burning another 30 mins. it didn't take much of the wax down off the sides.

Then I changed to a CD-10, throw was not good and had wax hang-up on one section for the jar, the rest of the jar had 3/8" mp

Burned the again the next day, When I first Lite the candle the flame was small, I let it burn another 1/2 hr and the flame still stayed small, so then I stopped it.

I'm having this same problem with these other FO









I have tried the HTP-104, ECO-8,10,12. CD-8,10,12,

I tried going up a wick size, I end up getting a dancing flame that shoots the flame up high with black smoke from it. I go down a wick size, I get the small flame, nothing working.

I'm at my witts end, very disappointed in the way things are going. On some of the FO I made another tester using 1oz, I thought that might be my problem. but no the same thing is happening


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Sorry, not an answer...Just wondered what kind of wax you are using? If my math is right, you are using about 3% beeswax? When I tried the beeswax, it made my soy harder to burn, but when I used stearic (coconut), I seemed to have better luck. Maybe just a fluke, but eco 12s wouldn't even clear the edges on my 8 oz. jellies with 2-3% beeswax. I know others have very good luck with it, so maybe it depends on your wax. Hope someone has some good solid answers as I would like to know the answer also. Beth

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I use KY pure soy, I really shouldn't have said my wicks are drowning out. What's happening is my wick gets smaller the further down it burns. It doesn't drown out. I don't get large mushrooming with it either. If I wick up on some of my FO they start dancing alot and shooting a high peak with black smoke coming from it.

Lighting Bug are you mixing palm wax with your soy wax?

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What larger wicks did you try? I had a real issue with the 8oz sq mason, it did the same thing to me. I tried wicking with the largest HTP wick and it mushroomed badly, so I used 2 of the smallest HTP wicks, I think they were HTP31 and that was too much for a lot of my FO's. It really drove me crazy. I switched jars to a 8 oz widemouth mason and have had much better results. I know a lot of people wick those jellies successfully, but it seems the narrow openings in the jars really give me fits with wicking. Have you tried a HTP1212 in it and trimmed it to 1/4" before lighting? I am sorry I can't help you out more, I am at a loss. The FO sounds ok, so does everything else. The beeswax should not make a difference in your wicking. Maybe someone who wicks these jars will come along and give you some advice.

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Hi Diane. No I haven't added palm though I've wondered what would happen when mixing the two. I have tried the natural soy wax additives, the coconut stearic, and beeswax. Now I am trying a soy blend with cottonseed in it. They seem to burn ok for the first 1-2 burns, but then flame gets smaller, MP gets smaller, and it looks like they are trying to die. Bigger wicks flare, flicker and smoke. I am missing something, but not sure what. I do think the jelly jars and sq. masons are harder to wick as the opening is smaller. Adding a candle cap seems to help, but I want them to burn well by themselves. I have thought of going over just to apothecary and wide mouth jars but love the country look of the sq. masons so I keep plugging away for now. Beth

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Kerry, The largest I have tried in the 8oz jj are the HTP-105, CD-12 & 14 my flame dances alot. flame shoots to a high peak with black smoke. The HTP-1212 is too big of a wick for the 8oz jj I thought,. I've been trying to test wal-mart's 16oz victorian jar with the HTP-1212, I got a 3/8" mp, no hang-up, but that was the first burn for it. ( why is it the first burn pretty much always work ) but on the secound I had hang-up around the sides but not a whole lot. it danced alot, no black smoke though, flame was large, not a large mushroom. I'm going to try the HTP-126 in next. I'm getting off track here. Anyway I tried a 51 cotton in another 8oz jj, that has half of jar of wax left with FO-Harvest, the flame was not as small as when I used the HTP-105 & the CD-12 & 14, but the flame is still on the small side. Now I thought what the heck, I'll try going lower in wick size, I'm going to try an ECO0-6. I tried an ECO-8 with FO-Tulip, this is only the third burn for this FO, When I lit it I had a nice flame, but once it got going the flame danced alittle and also black smoke now and then, I didn't let it finish burning, I pulled the wick ( ECO-8 ) out and put an ECO-6 in. I'm getting ready to test it.

topofmurrayhill, I think you misunderstood me, but that's not hard to do with me. lol....when I put my words down I think everyone knows what I'm trying to say. But yes, I do flatten out the tops when I change wicks.

Lightning Bug, From what you described, your having the same problem I'm having, and I do believe it's the weather that's causing this problem we're all having. I too like the country look of the mason jars, that's why I keep on plugging at it. Have also thought about switching over the apothecary jars, but I don't know how well the double wick would go over and I would have to have them shipped. I get my 8oz jj local, but I wished they had a better varity to choose from.

I get so frustrated, I get to a point I want to pull my hair out. Back to testing.

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