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I have made 2 pillar candles out of the 4045H wax, and I am having a hard time getting the wax out of the molds. I spray them before I pour, any helpful hints I may be missing?!:undecided


Use bigger molds.

Sorry, had to go there. You can try putting them in the fridge for a few minutes. Most of the time, they'll kind of come out of the mold when they get ready, though.

Oddly it sometimes helps to blow into the wick hole. Feels kind of silly when you do it, but it can help, at times.

Use bigger molds.

Oddly it sometimes helps to blow into the wick hole. Feels kind of silly when you do it, but it can help, at times.

That's if you use wick pins, lol. I have a vision of someone trying to blow into the wick hole with the wick in the candle:D . But of it works, it works. He's correct, usually they come out when they are ready so you may have to let them sit longer. Putting them in the fridge can work at times.


I must admit....i do as Dust does :confused:. About the wick hole, that is, loL! IT does help when help is needed. Just be sure and plug the other end or you're gonna feel pretty stupid :P

I must admit....i do as Dust does :confused:. About the wick hole, that is, loL! IT does help when help is needed. Just be sure and plug the other end or you're gonna feel pretty stupid :P

Yes, Feeling stupid would be *SUCH* a new thing for me. :undecided


My New Years resolution was to be a good Christian. Darn such a wonderful opportunity to be a smart ass and I have to pass it up.

Think this tip should be added to the tips for newbies post?


Also remember to unplug the bottom of the mold before trying to demold. If you don't there will be a suction hold trying to keep the pillar in the mold. Lesson learned, and never did it again. :D


You didn't mention if they were scented. I imagine they probably are, but just in case. I discovered unscented makes them much more difficult to unmold. Also, are you letting them cool thoroughly? They normally shrink enough to release after a while...


Yes, they are scented. I left them overnight to. I have only made 2 out of this wax. I will post some when I know more about what I am doing! I use wick pins to.

Yes, they are scented. I left them overnight to. I have only made 2 out of this wax. I will post some when I know more about what I am doing! I use wick pins to.
If you're making mottled candles it's not unusual for them to stick. The mottling prevents them from shrinking. If they don't cooperate after cooling for a good long time, put them in the fridge for a while as Dustpuuppy suggested and warm the mold in your hands for a bit, then try again.

Oddly it sometimes helps to blow into the wick hole. Feels kind of silly when you do it, but it can help, at times.

Tried that once. Wasn't much fun trying to scrape the putty off my lips :lipsrseal :laugh2:


OK lets get this straight I need to rub my mold between my hands to warm it up then make sure I try blowing my candle threw the wick hole.

All this should make my wicks stiff too. :tiptoe:

Karen B (sorry, I just had to join the crowd headed down hill)


No! Don't pet, I mean rub the mold. This will just make the wax a wee bit warmer, making it harder to get out of the mold. Just off the putty or screw or plug or tape (lol) and blow! (Be careful that wick doesn't poke you in eye...lol)

HMMMMM I must have been doing it wrong.

I blew a few of my candles and nothing happened.

Guess I didn't have the touch....:whistle: :laugh2:

You just weren't holding your mouth right. ;)

well that could be it, but I have such a big mouth I couldn't imagine not holding it right. hehehehe Oh I'm bad now....:shocked2:

Size may matter, but there's much to be said for technique.

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