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  1. Come on ppl. Thats why we make small batches. So everything is the same throughout.
  2. Those look great!! What type of mottled wax did you use? I have been looking for a mottled wax for doing pillars. I want to do layers.
  3. Hi again , I just got off the phone with my J-50 supplier and was told the following. There is a spec window that the wax has to be in for it to considered good. Say 1 - 10. 1 being the softest and 10 being the hardest for a certain wax. In this case we are talking about J-50. I called them with my batch # and they said that my batch was sent out with the highest # possible for it to be good. I dont know what they call good, but if im going to have to add stuff to get it to burn right, why do I buy a pre-blend? My supplier asked them what they think we should do about the problems, and they simply said to wick up. Wow, why didnt I think of that? I guess us little ppl dont matter . We start looking for a new wax TODAY.
  4. What I have found is when you buy pre-tabbed wicks they sometimes crimp them too much and this is what makes them pop out like that. When this happens I get another tab and re-do it. Not much else you can do but throw a fit.
  5. Hello everyone. Im new to this board, but had to ask if anyone on this board has been having problems with J-50 since IGI took over Astorlite? We got a new shipment last month and we have been having complaints about scent throw and melt pools. We are going back over all of our notes to see if we made a mistake, but dont think so. Also have talked to others that use J-50 on a different board and we are hearing the same. Just wondering if this is just a fluke or if they are changing something. Ron Alluring Innoscents Candle Co.
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