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Soapy Keepsakes

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Chiefland, FL
  • Interests
    Soaping, Crafts, Cello, Volunteer Work


  • Makes
    CP, HP Soap, Sugar Scrubs, Bath Bombs

Soapy Keepsakes's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I understand how that goes, patience is not easy to cultivate. I really need to know how to put colors together maybe then I won't have to rely on the fancy stuff. 🤔 Less is more, or so I hear. I look forward to chatting with you again. In the meantime, happy Soaping.
  2. Thanks, I'll probably go that route since I have Amazon Prime. That ought to help a bit. Again, thank you. Are you on Instagram or Etsy? Just wondering what your soaps look like... They're probably pretty awesome! This is my first attempt at a Butterfly Swirl. The 2nd one ended up having to go into the Crockpot...at least I was able to save it and list it.
  3. You got that, right. I may just ransack the closets for old shoe boxes for now. 😜 I just purchased a metal Cutter and Log Splitter... So I'm all tapped out. 😭
  4. Oh, by the way, where do you purchase your boxes? I've been looking for them in Amazon but didn't find them there...they were too expensive. Please let me know if you don't mind sharing. Thank you again for your reply. Have a great day.
  5. Thank you Shari, your information is very helpful...I especially like the 1cent box. I have a limited amount of space here so I need to move the cured little beauties elsewhere. I hadn't even thought of leaving them unwrapped seeing that they tend to shrink a bit and the cigar label gets loose. Thank you!
  6. Good Morning, so glad to find this site 😊, looking forward to learning from you all. I recently started soaping again... It's such a pleasure to be doing this again. My little collection is growing now but, my new challenge is how to store them. I have a variety of scented and unscented soap. I've heard that one shouldn't store the different scents in a bin on account of scent transfer. How do you go about properly storing your soap until it sells? Thank you in advance.
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